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​​Our Mission


Salud al Pasito: Small Steps Toward Better Health aims to provide an informal atmosphere for the San Antonio community to learn about how to start and/or maintain a healthier lifestyle. Through our walking events aided by volunteer healthcare professionals, we provide the first and easy steps of becoming healthier and more active. Every event will include an interactive fitness activity such as walking around a trail while conversing with a healthcare professional or small-group fitness classes. We want the San Antonio community to realize that they do not need to go to a gym or have expensive equipment to start getting healthy. Walking can be an easily accessible, minimal time commitment that can show great long-term results. Everyone is welcome to walk at their own pace and is encouraged to initiate discussion about how to improve their health.


Salud al Pasito also strives to empower the San Antonio community to take control of their own health. Whether it’s by guiding them through fitness and diet changes or giving them information about common health concerns, we want our community to take a larger role in their own health and the discussions they have with healthcare providers.



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