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Community Outreach

Salud al Pasito wants to share what we learn about the San Antonio Community with you! Through our walks and health fairs, we ask participants to take a quick survey addressing their physical activity levels and how they receive health information. We also ask participants to vote on which health topics they think are the most important in their communities.


We currently host walks at Wonderland of Americas Mall, Cueller Park and also participate in San Antonio's Siclovia and Reclovia. From these great communities we have gathered new information and what we have gathered is posted here for the community to see!



*All data and information collected from our walks is anonymous and de-identified. The findings presented have not been published through a peer-reviewed journal. The information we have collected serves as a reflection of communities/participants that have participated in our events. If you have questions about our research/information you may contact us.

Data collected from walk participants showing where walk participants receive their health information from, and how often they receive health information. Most participants receive their information from healthcare professionals, but the majority only receive information less than two times per year from their healthcare professional.

Salud al Pasito works in several areas around San Antonio, this map shows where our past events have taken place (click to enlarge map). If you think there is a community that could benefit from having one of our events, please contact us!

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